Giant and Tunable Bosonic Quantum Interference Induced by Two-Dimensional Metals

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang

| First 5 Authors: Kunyan Zhang, Rinu Abraham Maniyara, Yuanxi Wang, Arpit Jain, Maxwell T. Wetherington

| Summary:

Harnessing quantum interference among bosons provides significant
opportunities as bosons often carry longer coherence time than fermions. As an
example of quantum interference, Fano resonance involving phonons or photons
describes the coupling between discrete and continuous states, signified by an
asymmetric spectral lineshape. Utilizing photon-based Fano resonance, molecule
sensing with ultra-high sensitivity and ultrafast optical switching has been
realized. However, phonon-based Fano resonance, which would expand the
application space to a vaster regime, has been less exploited because of the
weak coupling between discrete phonons with continuous states such as
electronic continuum. In this work, we report the discovery of giant
phonon-based Fano resonance in a graphene/2D Ag/SiC heterostructure. The Fano
asymmetry, being proportional to the coupling strength, exceeds prior reports
by two orders of magnitude. This Fano asymmetry arises from simultaneous
frequency and lifetime matching between discrete and continuous phonons of SiC.
The introduction of 2D Ag layers restructures SiC at the interface and
facilitates resonant scattering to further enhance the Fano asymmetry, which is
not achievable with conventional Ag thin films. With these unique properties,
we demonstrated that the phonon-based Fano resonance can be used for
ultrasensitive molecule detection at the single-molecule level. Our work
highlights strong Fano resonance in the phononic system, opening avenues for
engineering quantum interference based on bosons. Further, our findings provide
opportunities for advancing phonon-related applications, including biochemical
sensing, quantum transduction, and superconductor-based quantum computing.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Ke Wang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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