The kinematic bimodality: Efficient feedback and cold gas deficiency in slow-rotating galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Yingjie Peng

| First 5 Authors: Bitao Wang, Yingjie Peng, , ,

| Summary:

The bimodality in the stellar spin of low redshift (massive) galaxies,
ubiquitously existing at all star formation levels and in diverse environment,
suggests that galaxies grow and quench through two diverged evolutionary
pathways. For spheroid-dominated galaxies of slow stellar rotation, the age
composition and metallicity of their stellar populations evidence a fast
quenching history with significant gas outflows. In this work, we measure the
spin parameter $lambda_{R_{rm e}}$, i.e. the normalized specific angular
momentum of stars, out of the MaNGA integral field spectroscopy for about 10000
galaxies. Among the two thirds with HI follow-up observations
($zlesssim0.05$), we find that, compared to fast-rotating galaxies of the same
stellar mass and star formation, the galaxy population of slower rotation are
generally more HI gas-poor, robust against further environmental restriction
and with non-detections taken into proper account using stacking technique.
This cold gas deficit of slow-rotating galaxies is most apparent at high mass
$sim10^{11}mathcal{M}_{odot}$ below the star formation main sequence,
supporting the pivotal role of gas outflows in their quenching history. With
hints from HI velocity distributions, we suspect that massive gas outflows
among the slow-rotating population are facilitated by high ejective feedback
efficiency, which is a result of extensive coupling between disturbed
volume-filling cold gas and (commonly) biconical feedback from central black
holes. By contrast, in fast-rotating disc galaxies the feedback energy mostly
goes to the hot circumgalactic medium rather than directly impacts the dense
and planar cold gas, thus making the feedback mainly preventive against further
gas inflow.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Yingjie Peng”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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