TIC 435850195: The Second Tri-Axial, Tidally Tilted Pulsator

Kavli Affiliate: Saul Rappaport

| First 5 Authors: Rahul Jayaraman, Saul Rappaport, Brian Powell, Gerald Handler, Mark Omohundro

| Summary:

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has enabled the discovery of
numerous tidally tilted pulsators (TTPs), which are pulsating stars in close
binaries where the presence of a tidal bulge has the effect of tilting the
primary star’s pulsation axes into the orbital plane. Recently, the modeling
framework developed to analyze TTPs has been applied to the emerging class of
tri-axial pulsators, which exhibit nonradial pulsations about three
perpendicular axes. In this work, we report on the identification of the
second-ever discovered tri-axial pulsator, with sixteen robustly-detected
pulsation multiplets, of which fourteen are dipole doublets separated by
2$nu_{rm orb}$. We jointly fit the spectral energy distribution (SED) and
TESS light curve of the star, and find that the primary is slightly evolved off
the zero-age main sequence, while the less massive secondary still lies on the
zero-age main sequence. Of the fourteen doublets, we associate eight with
$Y_{10x}$ modes and six with novel $Y_{10y}$ modes. We exclude the existence of
$Y_{11x}$ modes in this star and show that the observed pulsation modes must be
$Y_{10y}$. We also present a toy model for the tri-axial pulsation framework in
the context of this star. The techniques presented here can be utilized to
rapidly analyze and confirm future tri-axial pulsator candidates.

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