Kavli Affiliate: Yingjie Peng
| First 5 Authors: Kai Wang, Yingjie Peng, , ,
| Summary:
The tight relationship between the stellar mass and halo mass of galaxies is
one of the most fundamental scaling relations in galaxy formation and
evolution. It has become a critical constraint for galaxy formation models.
Over the past decade, growing evidence has convincingly shown that the stellar
mass-halo mass relations (SHMRs) for star-forming and quiescent central
galaxies differ significantly: at a given stellar mass, the average host halo
mass of quiescent centrals is more massive than that of the star-forming
centrals. Despite the importance of this feature, its scientific implications
have not yet been fully recognized or thoroughly explored in the field. In this
work, we demonstrate that the semi-analytical model L-GALAXIES successfully
reproduces these observational results, whereas three state-of-the-art
hydrodynamic galaxy formation simulations (TNG, Illustris, and EAGLE) do not.
Consequently, in L-GALAXIES, star-forming central galaxies are more efficient
at converting baryons into stars than quiescent central galaxies at a given
halo mass, while the other models predict similar efficiencies for both
populations. Further analysis reveals that these fundamental discrepancies stem
from distinct evolutionary paths on the stellar mass-halo mass plane. We show
that the observed SHMRs for star-forming and quiescent galaxies support galaxy
formation models in which quenching only weakly correlates with halo assembly
histories, and in which the stellar mass of star-forming galaxies can increase
significantly since cosmic noon. In contrast, models in which quenching
strongly prefers to happen in early-formed halos are not very favored.
Additionally, we find that galaxy downsizing is present in L-GALAXIES and TNG,
but absent in Illustris and EAGLE.
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