The Empirical and Radiative Transfer Hybrid (EaRTH) Disk Model: Merging Analyses of Protoplanetary Dust Disk Mineralogy and Structure

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Principe

| First 5 Authors: William Grimble, Joel Kastner, Christophe Pinte, Beth Sargent, David A. Principe

| Summary:

Our understanding of how exoplanets form and evolve relies on analyses of
both the mineralogy of protoplanetary disks and their detailed structures;
however, these key complementary aspects of disks are usually studied
separately. We present initial results from a hybrid model that combines the
empirical characterization of the mineralogy of a disk, as determined from its
mid-infrared spectral features, with the MCFOST radiative transfer disk model,
a combination we call the EaRTH Disk Model. With the results of the mineralogy
detection serving as input to the radiative transfer model, we generate
mid-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) that reflect both the
mineralogical and structural parameters of the corresponding disk. Initial fits
of the SED output by the resulting integrated model to Spitzer Space T elescope
mid-infrared (IRS) spectra of the protoplanetary disk orbiting the nearby T
Tauri star MP Mus demonstrate the potential advantages of this approach by
revealing details like the dominance of micron-sized olivine and micron-sized
forsterite in this dusty disk. The simultaneous insight into disk composition
and structure provided by the EaRTH Disk methodology should be directly
applicable to the interpretation of mid-infrared spectra of protoplanetary
disks that will be produced by the James Webb Space Telescope.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”David A. Principe”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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