Kavli Affiliate: Debanjan Chowdhury
| First 5 Authors: Sunghoon Kim, Mohammad Saad, Dan Mao, Adhip Agarwala, Debanjan Chowdhury
| Summary:
The interplay of electronic interactions and frustration in crystalline
systems leads to a panoply of correlated phases, including exotic Mott
insulators with non-trivial patterns of entanglement. Disorder introduces
additional quantum interference effects that can drive localization phenomena.
Quasicrystals, which are neither disordered nor perfectly crystalline, are
interesting playgrounds for studying the effects of interaction, frustration,
and quantum interference. Here we consider a solvable example of a quantum spin
liquid on a tri-coordinated quasicrystal. We extend Kitaev’s original
construction for the spin model to our quasicrystalline setting and perform a
large scale flux-sampling to find the ground-state configuration in terms of
the emergent majorana fermions and flux excitations. This reveals a fully
gapped and time-reversal symmetric quantum spin liquid, regardless of the
exchange anisotropies, accompanied by a tendency towards non-trivial
(de-)localization at the edge and the bulk. The advent of moir’e materials and
a variety of quantum simulators provide a new platform to bring phases of
quasicrystalline quantum matter to life in a controlled fashion.
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