COOL-LAMPS. VII. Quantifying Strong-lens Scaling Relations with 177 Cluster-scale Strong Gravitational Lenses in DECaLS

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders

| First 5 Authors: Simon D. Mork, Michael D. Gladders, Gourav Khullar, Keren Sharon, Nathalie Chicoine

| Summary:

We estimate the Einstein-radius-enclosed total mass for 177 cluster-scale
strong gravitational lenses identified by the ChicagO Optically selected Lenses
Located At the Margins of Public Surveys (COOL-LAMPS) collaboration with lens
redshifts ranging from $0.2 lessapprox z lessapprox 1.0$ using the
brightest-cluster-galaxy (BCG) redshift and an observable proxy for the
Einstein radius. We constrain the Einstein-radius-enclosed luminosity and
stellar mass by fitting parametric spectral energy distributions to aperture
photometry from the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey in the $g$-, $r$-, and
$z$-band Dark Energy Camera filters. We find that the BCG redshift, enclosed
total mass, and enclosed luminosity are strongly correlated and well described
by a planar relationship in 3D space. We find that the enclosed total mass and
stellar mass are correlated with a logarithmic slope of
$0.500^{+0.029}_{-0.031}$, and the enclosed total mass and stellar-to-total
mass fraction are correlated with a logarithmic slope of
$-0.495^{+0.032}_{-0.033}$. In tandem with the small radii within which these
slopes are constrained, this may suggest invariance in baryon conversion
efficiency and feedback strength as a function of cluster-centric radii in
galaxy clusters. Additionally, the correlations described here should have
utility in ranking strong-lensing candidates in upcoming imaging surveys —
such as Rubin/Legacy Survey of Space and Time — in which an algorithmic
treatment of strong lenses will be needed due to the sheer volume of data these
surveys will produce.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Michael D. Gladders”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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