Axion-Like Particle Detection in Alkali-Noble-Gas Haloscopes

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu

| First 5 Authors: Xiaofei Huang, Xiaolin Ma, Lei Cong, Wei Ji, Jia Liu

| Summary:

Revealing the essence of dark matter (DM) and dark energy is essential for
understanding our universe. Ultralight (rest energy $<$10 eV) bosonic
particles, including pseudoscalar axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) have
emerged among leading candidates to explain the composition of DM and searching
for them has become an important part of precision-measurement science.
Ultrahigh-sensitivity alkali-noble-gas based comagnetometers and magnetometers
are being used as powerful haloscopes, i.e., devices designed to search for DM
present in the galactic halo. A broad variety of such devices include
clock-comparison comagnetometers, self-compensating comagnetometers,
hybrid-spin-resonance magnetometer, spin-exchange-relaxation-free
magnetometers, nuclear magnetic-resonance magnetometers, Floquet magnetometers,
masers, as well as devices like the cosmic axion spin-precession experiment
(CASPEr) using liquid $^{129}$Xe, prepolarized via spin-exchange optical
pumping with rubidium atoms. The combination of alkali metal and noble gas
allows one to take the best advantage of the complementary properties of the
two spin systems. This review summarizes the operational principles,
experimental setups and the successful explorations of new physics using these
haloscopes. Additionally, some limiting factors are pointed out for further

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