Precise Estimate of Charged Higgsino/Wino Decay Rate

Kavli Affiliate: Satoshi Shirai

| First 5 Authors: Masahiro Ibe, Yuhei Nakayama, Satoshi Shirai, ,

| Summary:

Higgsinos and Winos in the supersymmetric Standard Model are prime candidates
for dark matter due to their weakly interacting nature. The mass differences
between their charged components (charginos) and neutral components
(neutralinos) become degenerate when other superparticles are heavy, resulting
in long-lived charginos. In the case of the Winos, the mass difference is
approximately 160 MeV across a wide range of the parameter space. Consequently,
the chargino decays into the lightest neutralino, emitting a single charged
pion. For Higgsinos, however, mass differences ranging from O(0.1) GeV to O(1)
GeV are possible, leading to a variety of decay channels. In this paper, we
extend our previous analysis of Wino decay to the chargino with a larger mass
difference. We emphasize characterizing its decay signatures through leptonic
and hadronic modes. By utilizing the latest experimental data, we perform a
comprehensive study of the decay rate calculations incorporating these hadronic
modes to determine the impact on the predicted chargino lifetime. Additionally,
we conduct next-to-leading order (NLO) calculations for the leptonic decay
modes. Our NLO results can be applied to the case of more general fermionic
electroweak multiplets, e.g., quintuplet dark matter.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Satoshi Shirai”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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