Entanglement of defect subregions in double holography

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng

| First 5 Authors: Yuxuan Liu, Qian Chen, Yi Ling, Cheng Peng, Yu Tian

| Summary:

In the framework of double holography, we investigate the entanglement
behavior of a brane subregion in AdS spacetime coupled to a bath on its
boundary and also extract the contribution from the quantum matter within this
subregion. From the boundary perspective, the brane subregion serves as the
entanglement wedge of a subsystem on the conformal defect. In the ground state,
we find the subsystem undergoes an entanglement phase transition induced by the
degrees of freedom on the brane. With subcritical parameters, the wedge and
entanglement entropy sharply decrease to zero. In contrast, in the
supercritical regime, both the wedge and entropy stabilize, enabling analysis
of both entanglement and reflected entropy. In this phase, we derive formulas
for entanglement measures based on defect and bath central charges in the
semi-classical limit. For entanglement entropy, the classical geometry only
contributes a subleading term with logarithmic divergence, but the brane-bath
CFT entanglement exhibits a dominant linear divergence, even in the
semi-classical limit. Regarding reflected entropy within the defect subsystem,
classical geometry contributes a leading term with logarithmic divergence,
while the quantum matter within the entanglement wedge only contributes a
finite term.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Cheng Peng”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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