Prospects for constraining quasar ages with fiber spectrographs: quasar-induced Ly$α$ emission from the intergalactic medium

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Takada

| First 5 Authors: Ryuichiro Hada, Masahiro Takada, Akio K. Inoue, ,

| Summary:

We present a theoretical framework for linking quasar properties, such as
quasar age, to the surrounding Ly$alpha$ emission intensity. In particular, we
focus on a method for mapping the large-scale structure of Ly$alpha$ emission
intensity with galaxy spectra from wide-field spectroscopic surveys, e.g., the
Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) or the Dark Energy Spectroscopic
Instrument (DESI), and consider the quasar-induced Ly$alpha$ emission from the
intergalactic medium (IGM). To do this, we construct a theoretical model based
on two physical processes: resonant scattering of quasar Ly$alpha$ photons and
fluorescence due to quasar ionizing photons, finding that the fluorescence
contribution due to optically thick gas clouds is dominant. Taking into account
the light cone effect and assuming a typical quasar spectrum, we calculate the
fluorescence contribution to the spectrum stacked within each bin of the
separation angle from the quasar as a function of quasar age. Furthermore, we
compute the quasar-Ly$alpha$ emission cross-correlation and its SNR for the
planned PFS survey. The predicted signal can only account for $sim10%$ of the
measurements indicated from the BOSS and eBOSS surveys in the outer region of
$> 10 rm{cMpc} rm{h}^{-1}$, and the predicted SNR is not sufficient to
detect the quasar-induced contribution. However, we found that our model,
combined with the contribution of star-forming galaxies, is not in conflict
with these measurements. We discuss other possible contributions to the
Ly$alpha$ emission excess around quasars, the efficiency of using
spectroscopic fibers, and the redshift dependence of our model.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Masahiro Takada”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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