Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT ‘EM) Survey: III. Recovery and Confirmation of a Temperate, Mildly Eccentric, Single-Transit Jupiter Orbiting TOI-2010

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker

| First 5 Authors: Christopher R. Mann, Paul A. Dalba, David Lafrenière, Benjamin J. Fulton, Guillaume Hébrard

| Summary:

Large-scale exoplanet surveys like the TESS mission are powerful tools for
discovering large numbers of exoplanet candidates. Single-transit events are
commonplace within the resulting candidate list due to the unavoidable
limitation of observing baseline. These single-transit planets often remain
unverified due to their unknown orbital period and consequent difficulty in
scheduling follow up observations. In some cases, radial velocity (RV) follow
up can constrain the period enough to enable a future targeted transit
detection. We present the confirmation of one such planet: TOI-2010 b. Nearly
three years of RV coverage determined the period to a level where a broad
window search could be undertaken with the Near-Earth Object Surveillance
Satellite (NEOSSat), detecting an additional transit. An additional detection
in a much later TESS sector solidified our final parameter estimation. We find
TOI-2010 b to be a Jovian planet ($M_P = 1.29 M_{rm Jup}$, $R_P = 1.05
R_{rm Jup}$) on a mildly eccentric orbit ($e = 0.21$) with a period of $P =
141.83403$ days. Assuming a simple model with no albedo and perfect heat
redistribution, the equilibrium temperature ranges from about 360 K to 450 K
from apoastron to periastron. Its wide orbit and bright host star ($V=9.85$)
make TOI-2010 b a valuable test-bed for future low-insolation atmospheric

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