The ALMA-QUARKS survey: — I. Survey description and data reduction

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang

| First 5 Authors: Xunchuan Liu, Tie Liu, Lei Zhu, Guido Garay, Hong-Li Liu

| Summary:

This paper presents an overview of the QUARKS survey, which stands for
`Querying Underlying mechanisms of massive star formation with ALMA-Resolved
gas Kinematics and Structures’. The QUARKS survey is observing 139 massive
clumps covered by 156 pointings at ALMA Band 6 ($lambdasim$ 1.3 mm). In
conjunction with data obtained from the ALMA-ATOMS survey at Band 3
($lambdasim$ 3 mm), QUARKS aims to carry out an unbiased statistical
investigation of massive star formation process within protoclusters down to a
scale of 1000 au. This overview paper describes the observations and data
reduction of the QUARKS survey, and gives a first look at an exemplar source,
the mini-starburst Sgr B2(M). The wide-bandwidth (7.5 GHz) and
high-angular-resolution (~0.3 arcsec) observations of the QUARKS survey allow
to resolve much more compact cores than could be done by the ATOMS survey, and
to detect previously unrevealed fainter filamentary structures. The spectral
windows cover transitions of species including CO, SO, N$_2$D$^+$, SiO,
H$_{30}alpha$, H$_2$CO, CH$_3$CN and many other complex organic molecules,
tracing gas components with different temperatures and spatial extents. QUARKS
aims to deepen our understanding of several scientific topics of massive star
formation, such as the mass transport within protoclusters by (hub-)filamentary
structures, the existence of massive starless cores, the physical and chemical
properties of dense cores within protoclusters, and the feedback from already
formed high-mass young protostars.

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