Emergent Chern-Simons Interactions in 3+1 Dimensions

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek

| First 5 Authors: Marcus Stålhammar, Darya Rudneva, Thors Hans Hansson, Frank Wilczek,

| Summary:

Parity violating superconductors can support a low-dimension local
interaction that becomes, upon condensation, a purely spatial Chern-Simons
term. Solutions to the resulting generalized London equations can be obtained
from solutions of the ordinary London equations with a complex penetration
depth, and suggest several remarkable physical phenomena. The problem of flux
exclusion by a sphere brings in an anapole moment; the problem of
current-carrying wires brings in an azimuthal magnetic field; the problem of
vortices brings in currents along the vortices. We demonstrate that
interactions of this kind, together with a conceptually related dimensionally
reduced Chern-Simons interaction, can arise from physically plausible
microscopic interactions.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Frank Wilczek”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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