Current status and desired accuracy of the isotopic production cross-sections relevant to astrophysics of cosmic rays II. Fluorine to Silicon (and updated LiBeB)

Kavli Affiliate: Igor V. Moskalenko

| First 5 Authors: Yoann GĂ©nolini, David Maurin, Igor V. Moskalenko, Michael Unger,

| Summary:

High-precision cosmic-ray data from ongoing and recent past experiments
being released in the tens of MeV/n to multi-TeV/n energy range. Astrophysical
and dark matter interpretations of these data are limited by the precision of
nuclear production cross-sections. In Paper I, PRC 98, 034611 (2018), we set up
a procedure to rank nuclear reactions whose desired measurements will enable us
to fully exploit currently available data on CR Li to N ($Z=3-7$) species. Here
we extend these rankings to O up to Si nuclei ($Z=8-14$), also updating our
results on the LiBeB species. We also highlight how comprehensive new high
precision nuclear data, that could e.g. be obtained at the SPS at CERN, would
be a game-changer for the determination of key astrophysical quantities
(diffusion coefficient, halo size of the Galaxy) and indirect searches for dark
matter signatures.

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