ECL: Class-Enhancement Contrastive Learning for Long-tailed Skin Lesion Classification

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang

| First 5 Authors: Yilan Zhang, Jianqi Chen, Ke Wang, Fengying Xie,

| Summary:

Skin image datasets often suffer from imbalanced data distribution,
exacerbating the difficulty of computer-aided skin disease diagnosis. Some
recent works exploit supervised contrastive learning (SCL) for this long-tailed
challenge. Despite achieving significant performance, these SCL-based methods
focus more on head classes, yet ignoring the utilization of information in tail
classes. In this paper, we propose class-Enhancement Contrastive Learning
(ECL), which enriches the information of minority classes and treats different
classes equally. For information enhancement, we design a hybrid-proxy model to
generate class-dependent proxies and propose a cycle update strategy for
parameters optimization. A balanced-hybrid-proxy loss is designed to exploit
relations between samples and proxies with different classes treated equally.
Taking both "imbalanced data" and "imbalanced diagnosis difficulty" into
account, we further present a balanced-weighted cross-entropy loss following
curriculum learning schedule. Experimental results on the classification of
imbalanced skin lesion data have demonstrated the superiority and effectiveness
of our method.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Ke Wang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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