Continuous Wigner-Mott transition at $ν=1/5$

Kavli Affiliate: Debanjan Chowdhury

| First 5 Authors: Thomas G. Kiely, Debanjan Chowdhury, , ,

| Summary:

Electrons can organize themselves into charge-ordered states to minimize the
effects of long-ranged Coulomb interactions. In the presence of a lattice,
commensurability constraints lead to the emergence of incompressible
Wigner-Mott insulators at various rational electron fillings, $nu~=p/q$. The
mechanism for quantum fluctuation-mediated melting of the Mott insulators with
increasing electron kinetic energy remains an outstanding problem. Here, using
matrix product state techniques, we analyze the bandwidth-tuned transition out
of the Wigner-Mott insulator at $nu=1/5$ in an extended Hubbard model on
infinite cylinders of varying circumference. For the two-leg ladder, the
transition from the Mott insulator to the Luttinger liquid proceeds via a
distinct intermediate phase with gapless Cooper-pairs and gapped electronic
excitations. The resulting Luther-Emery liquid is the analog of a strongly
fluctuating superconductor. We place these results in the context of a
low-energy bosonization based theory for the transition. On the five-leg
cylinder, we provide numerical evidence for a direct continuous transition
between the Wigner-Mott insulator and a metallic phase across which the spin
and charge-gaps vanish simultaneously. We comment on the connections to ongoing
experiments in dual-gated bilayer moir’e transition metal dichalcogenide

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