Spatial deformation of many-body quantum chaotic systems and quantum information scrambling

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Nozaki

| First 5 Authors: Kanato Goto, Taozhi Guo, Tomoki Nosaka, Masahiro Nozaki, Shinsei Ryu

| Summary:

We study the effect of spatial inhomogeneity on quantum information
scrambling, a process of spreading and locally hiding quantum information in
quantum many-body systems. As a paradigmatic example, we consider the quantum
chaotic Ising spin chain and its inhomogeneous counterpart that is obtained by
modulating the Hamiltonian density. Specifically, we consider the so-called
M"obius and sine-square deformations that were previously studied in the
context of (1+1)-dimensional conformal field theories ($1+1$ d CFTs). In the
spatial region where the modulated energy density is small, these deformations
prevent the spreading of quantum information while in the region where the
modulated energy density is large quantum information scrambling is
accelerated. This suggests that we can control the scrambling and butterfly
effect by spatially modulating the Hamiltonian density. We also found that the
time dependence of energy density exhibits the signature of black-hole-like
excitation found in the $1+1$ d CFTs even in the chaotic spin chain.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Masahiro Nozaki”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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