Single-test evaluation of directional elastic properties of anisotropic structured materials

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio

| First 5 Authors: Jagannadh Boddapati, Moritz Flaschel, Siddhant Kumar, Laura De Lorenzis, Chiara Daraio

| Summary:

When the elastic properties of structured materials become
direction-dependent, the number of their descriptors increases. For example, in
two-dimensions, the anisotropic behavior of materials is described by up to 6
independent elastic stiffness parameters, as opposed to only 2 needed for
isotropic materials. Such high number of parameters expands the design space of
structured materials and leads to unusual phenomena, such as materials that can
shear under uniaxial compression. However, an increased number of properties
descriptors and the coupling between shear and normal deformations render the
experimental evaluation of material properties more challenging. In this paper,
we propose a methodology based on the virtual fields method to identify six
separate stiffness tensor parameters of two-dimensional anisotropic structured
materials using just one tension test, thus eliminating the need for multiple
experiments, as it is typical in traditional methods. The approach requires no
stress data and uses full-field displacement data and global force data. We
show the accuracy of our method using synthetic data generated from finite
element simulations as well as experimental data from additively manufactured

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