Quantum $z=2$ Lifshitz criticality in one-dimensional interacting fermions

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang

| First 5 Authors: Ke Wang, , , ,

| Summary:

We consider Lifshitz criticality (LC) with the dynamical critical exponent
$z=2$ in one-dimensional interacting fermions with a filled Dirac Sea. We
report that interactions have crucial effects on Lifshitz criticality. Single
particle excitations are destabilized by interaction and decay into the
particle-hole continuum, which is reflected in the logarithmic divergence in
the imaginary part of one-loop self-energy. We show that the system is
sensitive to the sign of interaction. Random-phase approximation (RPA) shows
that the collective particle-hole excitations emerge only when the interaction
is repulsive. The dispersion of collective modes is gapless and linear.
If the interaction is attractive, the one-loop renormalization group (RG)
shows that there may exist a stable RG fixed point described by two coupling
constants. We also show that the on-site interaction (without any other
perturbations at the UV scale) would always turn on the relevant velocity
perturbation to the quadratic Lagrangian in the RG flow, driving the system
flow to the conformal-invariant criticality. In the numerical simulations of
the lattice model at the half-filling, we find that, for either on-site
positive or negative interactions, the dynamical critical exponent becomes
$z=1$ in the infrared (IR) limit and the entanglement entropy is a logarithmic
function of the system size $L$. The work paves the way to study
one-dimensional interacting LCs.

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