Scrambling and Recovery of Quantum Information in Inhomogeneous Quenches in Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Nozaki

| First 5 Authors: Kanato Goto, Masahiro Nozaki, Shinsei Ryu, Kotaro Tamaoka, Mao Tian Tan

| Summary:

We study various quantum quench processes induced by the M"obius/sine-square
deformation of the Hamiltonian in two-dimensional conformal field theories
starting from the thermofield double state in the two copies of the Hilbert
space. These quantum quenches, some of which are directly related to the
operator entanglement of the time-evolution operators, allow us to study
scrambling and recovery of quantum information. In particular, under the SSD
time-evolution, we show from the time-dependence of mutual information that the
Bell pairs, initially shared by the subsystems of the two Hilbert spaces, may
revive even after the mutual information for small subsystems is completely
destroyed by quantum information scrambling dynamics. This mutual information
is robust against the strong scrambling dynamics. As a consequence, the steady
state has a non-local correlation shared not by any of two parties but by three
parties. In the holographic dual description, a wormhole connecting the two
Hilbert spaces may non-linearly grow with time during the quantum quenches. We
also propose effective pictures that describe the dynamics of mutual
information during the time-evolution by inhomogeneous Hamiltonians.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Masahiro Nozaki”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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