Role of the Hubble Scale in the Weak Lensing vs. CMB Tension

Kavli Affiliate: Wayne Hu

| First 5 Authors: Lucas F. Secco, Tanvi Karwal, Wayne Hu, Elisabeth Krause,

| Summary:

We explore a re-parameterization of the lensing amplitude tension between
weak lensing (WL) and cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and its
implications for a joint resolution with the Hubble tension. Specifically, we
focus on the lensing amplitude over a scale of 12 Mpc in absolute distance
units using a derived parameter $S_{12}$ and show its constraints from recent
surveys in comparison with Planck 2018. In WL alone, we find that the absolute
distance convention correlates $S_{12}$ with $H_0$. Accounting for this
correlation in the 3D space $S_{12}times omega_m times h$ reproduces the
usual levels of $2sim 3sigma$ tension inferred from $S_8timesOmega_m$.
Additionally, we derive scaling relations in the $S_8times h$ and
$S_{12}times h$ planes that are allowed by $Lambda$CDM and extrapolate target
scalings needed to solve the $H_0$ and lensing-amplitude tensions jointly in a
hypothetical beyond-$Lambda$CDM model. As a test example, we quantify how the
early dark energy scenario compares with these target scalings. Useful fitting
formulae for $S_8$ and $S_{12}$ as a function of other cosmological parameters
in $Lambda$CDM are provided, with 1% precision.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Wayne Hu”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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