Towards a comprehensive view of accretion, inner disks, and extinction in classical T Tauri stars: an ODYSSEUS study of the Orion OB1b association

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg

| First 5 Authors: Caeley V. Pittman, Catherine C. Espaillat, Connor E. Robinson, Thanawuth Thanathibodee, Nuria Calvet

| Summary:

The coevolution of T Tauri stars and their surrounding protoplanetary disks
dictates the timescales of planet formation. In this paper, we present
magnetospheric accretion and inner disk wall model fits to NUV-NIR spectra of
nine classical T Tauri stars in Orion OB1b as part of the Outflows and Disks
around Young Stars: Synergies for the Exploration of ULLYSES Spectra (ODYSSEUS)
Survey. Using NUV-optical spectra from the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young
Stars as Essential Standards (ULLYSES) Director’s Discretionary Program and
optical-NIR spectra from the PENELLOPE VLT Large Programme, we find that the
accretion rates of these targets are relatively high for the region’s
intermediate age of 5.0 Myr; rates range from $0.5-17.2 times 10^{-8}$
M$_{odot}$/yr, with a median value of $1.2times 10^{-8}$ M$_{odot}$/yr. The
NIR excesses can be fit with 1200-1800 K inner disk walls located at 0.05-0.10
AU from the host stars. We discuss the significance of the choice in extinction
law, as the measured accretion rate depends strongly on the adopted extinction
value. This analysis will be extended to the complete sample of T Tauri stars
being observed through ULLYSES to characterize accretion and inner disks in
star-forming regions of different ages and stellar populations.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Gregory J. Herczeg”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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