TESS discovery of a sub-Neptune orbiting a mid-M dwarf TOI-2136

Kavli Affiliate: Roland Vanderspek

| First 5 Authors: Tianjun Gan, Abderahmane Soubkiou, Sharon X. Wang, Zouhair Benkhaldoun, Shude Mao

| Summary:

We present the discovery of TOI-2136b, a sub-Neptune planet transiting every
7.85 days a nearby M4.5V-type star, identified through photometric measurements
from the TESS mission. The host star is located $33$ pc away with a radius of
$R_{ast} = 0.34pm0.02 R_{odot}$, a mass of $0.34pm0.02 M_{odot}$ and an
effective temperature of $rm 3342pm100 K$. We estimate its stellar rotation
period to be $75pm5$ days based on archival long-term photometry. We confirm
and characterize the planet based on a series of ground-based multi-wavelength
photometry, high-angular-resolution imaging observations, and precise radial
velocities from CFHT/SPIRou. Our joint analysis reveals that the planet has a
radius of $2.19pm0.17 R_{oplus}$, and a mass measurement of $6.4pm2.4
M_{oplus}$. The mass and radius of TOI2136b is consistent with a broad range
of compositions, from water-ice to gas-dominated worlds. TOI-2136b falls close
to the radius valley for low-mass stars predicted by the thermally driven
atmospheric mass loss models, making it an interesting target for future
studies of its interior structure and atmospheric properties.

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