TECM: Transfer Learning-based Evidential C-Means Clustering

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Lianmeng Jiao, Feng Wang, Zhun-ga Liu, Quan Pan, | Summary: As a representative evidential clustering algorithm, evidential c-means (ECM) provides a deeper insight into the data by allowing an object to belong not only to a single class, but also to any subset of a collection of […]

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TECM: Transfer Evidential C-means Clustering

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Lianmeng Jiao, Feng Wang, Zhun-ga Liu, Quan Pan, | Summary: Clustering is widely used in text analysis, natural language processing, image segmentation, and other data mining fields. As a promising clustering algorithm, the evidential c-means (ECM) can provide a deeper insight on the data by allowing an […]

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