Multimode Mamyshev Oscillator

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise

| First 5 Authors: Henry Haig, Pavel Sidorenko, Anirban Dhar, Nilotpal Choudhury, Ranjan Sen

| Summary:

We present a spatiotemporally mode-locked Mamyshev oscillator. A wide variety
of multimode mode-locked states, with varying degrees of spatiotemporal
coupling, are observed. We find that some control of the modal content of the
output beam is possible through the cavity design. Comparison of simulations to
experiments indicates that spatiotemporal mode-locking is enabled by nonlinear
intermodal interactions and spatial filtering, along with the Mamyshev
mechanism. This work represents a first exploration of spatiotemporal
mode-locking in an oscillator with the Mamyshev saturable absorber.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Frank Wise”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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