Kavli Affiliate: Michael S. Turner
| First 5 Authors: Michael S. Turner, , , ,
| Summary:
The $rmLambda$CDM cosmological model is remarkable: with just 6 parameters
it describes the evolution of the Universe from a very early time when all
structures were quantum fluctuations on subatomic scales to the present, and it
is consistent with a wealth of high-precision data, both laboratory
measurements and astronomical observations. However, the foundation of
$rmLambda$CDM involves physics beyond the standard model of particle physics:
particle dark matter, dark energy and cosmic inflation. Until this `new
physics’ is clarified, $rmLambda$CDM is at best incomplete and at worst a
phenomenological construct that accommodates the data. I discuss the path
forward, which involves both discovery and disruption, some grand challenges
and finally the limits of scientific cosmology.
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