The Gravitational-Wave Physics II: Progress

Kavli Affiliate: Kejia Lee

| First 5 Authors: Ligong Bian, Rong-Gen Cai, Shuo Cao, Zhoujian Cao, He Gao

| Summary:

It has been a half-decade since the first direct detection of gravitational
waves, which signifies the coming of the era of the gravitational-wave
astronomy and gravitational-wave cosmology. The increasing number of the
detected gravitational-wave events has revealed the promising capability of
constraining various aspects of cosmology, astronomy, and gravity. Due to the
limited space in this review article, we will briefly summarize the recent
progress over the past five years, but with a special focus on some of our own
work for the Key Project “Physics associated with the gravitational waves”
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In particular,
(1) we have presented the mechanism of the gravitational-wave production during
some physical processes of the early Universe, such as inflation, preheating
and phase transition, and the cosmological implications of gravitational-wave
measurements; (2) we have put constraints on the neutron star maximum mass
according to GW170817 observations; (3) we have developed a numerical
relativity algorithm based on the finite element method and a waveform model
for the binary black hole coalescence along an eccentric orbit.

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