TIC 168789840: A Sextuply-Eclipsing Sextuple Star System

Kavli Affiliate: Christopher J. Burke | First 5 Authors: Brian P. Powell, Veselin B. Kostov, Saul A. Rappaport, Tamas Borkovits, Petr Zasche | Summary: We report the discovery of a sextuply-eclipsing sextuple star system from TESS data, TIC 168789840, also known as TYC 7037-89-1, the first known sextuple system consisting of three eclipsing binaries. The […]

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Quantum Information Theory of the Gravitational Anomaly

Kavli Affiliate: Simeon Hellerman | First 5 Authors: Simeon Hellerman, Domenico Orlando, Masataka Watanabe, , | Summary: We show that the standard notion of entanglement is not defined for gravitationally anomalous two-dimensional theories because they do not admit a local tensor factorization of the Hilbert space into local Hilbert spaces. Qualitatively, the modular flow cannot […]

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