Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang
| First 5 Authors: Pasquale Cilibrizzi, Xiaoze Liu, Peiyao Zhang, Chenzhe Wang, Quanwei Li
| Summary:
The newly discovered valley degree of freedom in atomically thin
two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides offers a promising platform to
explore rich nonlinear physics, such as spinor Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC)
and novel valleytronics applications. However, the critical nonlinear effect,
such as valley polariton bosonic stimulation, has long remained an unresolved
challenge due to the generation of limited polariton ground state densities
necessary to induce the stimulated scattering of polaritons in specific
valleys. Here, we report, for the first time, the valley bosonic stimulation of
exciton-polaritons via spin-valley locking in a WS2 monolayer microcavity. This
is achieved by the resonant injection of valley polaritons at specific energy
and wavevector, which allows spin-polarized polaritons to efficiently populate
their ground state and induce a valley-dependent bosonic stimulation. As a
result, we observe the nonlinear self-amplification of polariton emission from
the valley-dependent ground state. Our finding paves the way for both
fundamental studies of valley polariton BEC physics and non-linear
optoelectronic devices such as spin-dependent parametric oscillators and
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