Accurate and Lightweight Image Super-Resolution with Model-Guided Deep Unfolding Network

Kavli Affiliate: Li Xin Li | First 5 Authors: Qian Ning, Weisheng Dong, Guangming Shi, Leida Li, Xin Li | Summary: Deep neural networks (DNNs) based methods have achieved great success in single image super-resolution (SISR). However, existing state-of-the-art SISR techniques are designed like black boxes lacking transparency and interpretability. Moreover, the improvement in visual […]

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Topological phonon transport in an optomechanical system

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Hengjiang Ren, Tirth Shah, Hannes Pfeifer, Christian Brendel, Vittorio Peano | Summary: Recent advances in cavity-optomechanics have now made it possible to use light not just as a passive measuring device of mechanical motion, but also to manipulate the motion of mechanical objects down to the level […]

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