(21238) 1995 WV7: A New Basaltic Asteroid Outside the 3:1 Mean Motion Resonance

Kavli Affiliate: Geza Gyuk

| First 5 Authors: Mark Hammergren, Geza Gyuk, Andrew Puckett, ,

| Summary:

We report visible to near-infrared spectroscopy and spectrophotometry of
asteroid (21238) 1995 WV7 that reveal the presence of deep absorption bands
indicating a V taxonomic type with an apparently basaltic surface composition.
Since this asteroid is on the other side of the 3:1 mean motion resonance from
Vesta, and because the required ejection velocity from Vesta is in excess of
1.6 km s-1, we conclude that 21238 represents a sample of a differentiated body
dynamically unrelated to Vesta.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Geza Gyuk”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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