Zero-shot Medical Image Translation via Frequency-Guided Diffusion Models

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Yunxiang Li, Hua-Chieh Shao, Xiao Liang, Liyuan Chen, Ruiqi Li | Summary: Recently, the diffusion model has emerged as a superior generative model that can produce high quality and realistic images. However, for medical image translation, the existing diffusion models are deficient in accurately retaining structural information […]

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Simulating Cosmological Evolution by Quantum Quench of an Atomic BEC

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Ke Wang, Han Fu, K. Levin, , | Summary: In cosmological evolution, it is the homogeneous scalar field (inflaton) that drives the universe to expand isotropically and to generate standard model particles. However, to simulate cosmology, atomic gas research has focused on the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates […]

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Tests of Classical Gravity with Radio Pulsars

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Zexin Hu, Xueli Miao, Lijing Shao, , | Summary: Tests of gravity are important to the development of our understanding of gravitation and spacetime. Binary pulsars provide a superb playground for testing gravity theories. In this chapter we pedagogically review the basics behind pulsar observations and pulsar […]

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A tight universal relation between the shape eccentricity and the moment of inertia for rotating neutron stars

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Yong Gao, Lijing Shao, Jan Steinhoff, , | Summary: Universal relations that are insensitive to the equation of state (EoS) are useful in reducing the parameter space when measuring global quantities of neutron stars (NSs). In this paper, we reveal a new universal relation that connects the […]

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Broadband X-ray timing and spectral characteristics of the accretion-powered millisecond X-ray pulsar MAXI J1816$-$195

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Zhaosheng Li, Lucien Kuiper, Mingyu Ge, Maurizio Falanga, Juri Poutanen | Summary: We studied the broadband X-ray timing and spectral behaviors of the newly confirmed accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar MAXI J1816$-$195 during its 2022 outburst. We used the data from Insight-HXMT ME/HE, NICER and NuSTAR which cover […]

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Broadband X-ray timing and spectral characteristics of the accretion-powered millisecond X-ray pulsar MAXI J1816$-$195

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Zhaosheng Li, Lucien Kuiper, Mingyu Ge, Maurizio Falanga, Juri Poutanen | Summary: We studied the broadband X-ray timing and spectral behaviors of the newly confirmed accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar MAXI J1816$-$195 during its 2022 outburst. We used the data from Insight-HXMT ME/HE, NICER and NuSTAR which cover […]

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Anatomy of plasmons in generic Luttinger semimetals

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Jing Wang, Ipsita Mandal, , , | Summary: We investigate the parameter regimes favourable for the emergence of plasmons in isotropic, anisotropic, and band-mass symmetric and asymmetric Luttinger semimetals (LSMs). An LSM harbours a quadratic band-crossing point (QBCP) in its bandstructure, where the upper and lower branches […]

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Anatomy of plasmons in generic Luttinger semimetals

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: , , , , | Summary: We investigate the parameter regimes favourable for the emergence of plasmons in isotropic, anisotropic, and band-mass symmetric and asymmetric Luttinger semimetals (LSMs). An LSM harbours a quadratic band-crossing point (QBCP) in its bandstructure, where the upper and lower branches of dispersion […]

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Improved bounds on the bosonic dark matter with pulsars in the Milky Way

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Dicong Liang, Lijing Shao, , , | Summary: Neutron stars (NSs) can be used to constrain dark matter (DM) since a NS can transform into a black hole (BH) if it captures sufficient DM particles and exceeds the Chandrasekhar limit. We extend earlier work and for the […]

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Active galactic nuclei feedback in an elliptical galaxy (III): the impacts and fate of cosmological inflow

Kavli Affiliate: Yingjie Peng | First 5 Authors: Bocheng Zhu, Feng Yuan, Suoqing Ji, Yingjie Peng, Luis C. Ho | Summary: The cosmological inflow of a galaxy is speculated to be able to enter the galaxy and enhance the star formation rate (SFR) and black hole accretion rate (BHAR). In this paper, by performing high-resolution […]

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