A GPU Spatial Processing System for CHIME

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi Masui | First 5 Authors: Nolan Denman, Andre Renard, Keith Vanderlinde, Philippe Berger, Kiyoshi Masui | Summary: We present an overview of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) based spatial processing system created for the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME). The design employs AMD S9300x2 GPUs and readily-available commercial hardware in its […]

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The Noise of Gravitons

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Maulik Parikh, Frank Wilczek, George Zahariade, , | Summary: We show that when the gravitational field is treated quantum-mechanically, it induces fluctuations — noise — in the lengths of the arms of gravitational wave detectors. The characteristics of the noise depend on the quantum state of the […]

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TESS Data for Asteroseismology: Timing verification

Kavli Affiliate: Edward H. Morgan | First 5 Authors: Carolina von Essen, Mikkel N. Lund, Rasmus Handberg, Marina S. Sosa, Julie Thiim Gadeberg | Summary: The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is NASA’s latest space telescope dedicated to the discovery of transiting exoplanets around nearby stars. Besides the main goal of the mission, asteroseismology is […]

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The formation of dusty cold gas filaments from galaxy cluster simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald | First 5 Authors: Yu Qiu, Tamara Bogdanovic, Yuan Li, Michael McDonald, Brian R. McNamara | Summary: Galaxy clusters are the most massive collapsed structures in the universe whose potential wells are filled with hot, X-ray emitting intracluster medium. Observations however show that a significant number of clusters (the so-called cool-core […]

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KELT-9 b’s Asymmetric TESS Transit Caused by Rapid Stellar Rotation and Spin-Orbit Misalignment

Kavli Affiliate: Robert F. Goeke | First 5 Authors: John P. Ahlers, Marshall C. Johnson, Keivan G Stassun, Knicole D. Colon, Jason W. Barnes | Summary: KELT-9 b is an ultra hot Jupiter transiting a rapidly rotating, oblate early-A-type star in a polar orbit. We model the effect of rapid stellar rotation on KELT-9 b’s […]

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Optical design of diffraction-limited X-ray telescopes

Kavli Affiliate: Ralf K. Heilmann | First 5 Authors: Brandon D. Chalifoux, Ralf K. Heilmann, Herman L. Marshall, Mark L. Schattenburg, | Summary: Astronomical imaging with micro-arcsecond ($mu$as) angular resolution could enable breakthrough scientific discoveries. Previously-proposed $mu$as X-ray imager designs have been interferometers with limited effective collecting area. Here we describe X-ray telescopes achieving diffraction-limited […]

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TOI-1235 b: a keystone super-Earth for testing radius valley emergence models around early M dwarfs

Kavli Affiliate: Christopher Burke | First 5 Authors: Ryan Cloutier, Joseph E. Rodriguez, Jonathan Irwin, David Charbonneau, Keivan G. Stassun | Summary: Small planets on close-in orbits tend to exhibit envelope mass fractions of either effectively zero or up to a few percent depending on their size and orbital period. Models of thermally-driven atmospheric mass […]

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Foreground modelling via Gaussian process regression: an application to HERA data

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Abhik Ghosh, Florent Mertens, Gianni Bernardi, Mário G. Santos, Nicholas S. Kern | Summary: The key challenge in the observation of the redshifted 21-cm signal from cosmic reionization is its separation from the much brighter foreground emission. Such separation relies on the different spectral properties of the […]

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TESS spots a hot Jupiter with an inner transiting Neptune

Kavli Affiliate: Robert F. Goeke | First 5 Authors: Chelsea X. Huang, Samuel N. Quinn, Andrew Vanderburg, Juliette Becker, Joseph E. Rodriguez | Summary: Hot Jupiters are rarely accompanied by other planets within a factor of a few in orbital distance. Previously, only two such systems have been found. Here, we report the discovery of […]

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