On the Energy Dependence of Galactic Cosmic Ray Anisotropies in the Very Local Interstellar Medium

Kavli Affiliate: John Richardson | First 5 Authors: Romina Nikoukar, Matthew E. Hill, Lawrence Brown, Stamatios M. Krimigis, Robert B. Decker | Summary: We report on the energy dependence of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) in the very local interstellar medium (VLISM) as measured by the Low Energy Charged Particle (LECP) instrument on the Voyager 1 […]

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Measurement and simulation of charge diffusion in a small-pixel charge-coupled device

Kavli Affiliate: Marshall W. Bautz | First 5 Authors: Beverly J. LaMarr, Gregory Y. Prigozhin, Eric D. Miller, Carolyn Thayer, Marshall W. Bautz | Summary: Future high-resolution imaging X-ray observatories may require detectors with both fine spatial resolution and high quantum efficiency at relatively high X-ray energies (>5keV). A silicon imaging detector meeting these requirements […]

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Measurement and simulation of charge diffusion in a small-pixel charge-coupled device

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory Y. Prigozhin | First 5 Authors: Beverly J. LaMarr, Gregory Y. Prigozhin, Eric D. Miller, Carolyn Thayer, Marshall W. Bautz | Summary: Future high-resolution imaging X-ray observatories may require detectors with both fine spatial resolution and high quantum efficiency at relatively high X-ray energies (>5keV). A silicon imaging detector meeting these requirements […]

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The TESS-Keck Survey. VIII. Confirmation of a Transiting Giant Planet on an Eccentric 261 day Orbit with the Automated Planet Finder Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker | First 5 Authors: Paul A. Dalba, Stephen R. Kane, Diana Dragomir, Steven Villanueva Jr., Karen A. Collins | Summary: We report the discovery of TOI-2180 b, a 2.8 $M_{rm J}$ giant planet orbiting a slightly evolved G5 host star. This planet transited only once in Cycle 2 of the […]

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TESS Giants Transiting Giants II: The hottest Jupiters orbiting evolved stars

Kavli Affiliate: Alan M. Levine | First 5 Authors: Samuel K. Grunblatt, Nicholas Saunders, Meng Sun, Ashley Chontos, Melinda Soares-Furtado | Summary: Giant planets on short-period orbits are predicted to be inflated and eventually engulfed by their host stars. However, the detailed timescales and stages of these processes are not well known. Here we present […]

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A pair of Sub-Neptunes transiting the bright K-dwarf TOI-1064 characterised with CHEOPS

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker | First 5 Authors: Thomas G. Wilson, Elisa Goffo, Yann Alibert, Davide Gandolfi, Andrea Bonfanti | Summary: We report the discovery and characterisation of a pair of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright K-dwarf TOI-1064 (TIC 79748331), initially detected in TESS photometry. To characterise the system, we performed and retrieved CHEOPS, TESS, […]

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The Circumgalactic Medium from the CAMELS Simulations: Forecasting Constraints on Feedback Processes from Future Sunyaev-Zeldovich Observations

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Emily Moser, Nicholas Battaglia, Daisuke Nagai, Erwin Lau, Luis Fernando Machado Poletti Valle | Summary: The cycle of baryons through the circumgalactic medium (CGM) is important to understand in the context of galaxy formation and evolution. In this study we forecast constraints on the feedback processes heating […]

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The First Near-Infrared Transmission Spectrum of HIP 41378 f, a Low-Mass Temperate Jovian World in a Multi-Planet System

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew M. Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Munazza K. Alam, James Kirk, Courtney D. Dressing, Mercedes Lopez-Morales, Kazumasa Ohno | Summary: We present a near-infrared transmission spectrum of the long period (P=542 days), temperate ($T_{eq}$=294 K) giant planet HIP 41378 f obtained with the Wide-Field Camera 3 (WFC3) instrument aboard the Hubble Space […]

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Tidally Tilted Pulsators

Kavli Affiliate: Saul A. Rappaport | First 5 Authors: Gerald Handler, Rahul Jayaraman, Donald W. Kurtz, Jim Fuller, Saul A. Rappaport | Summary: The tidally tilted pulsators are a new type of oscillating star in close binary systems that have their pulsation axis in the orbital plane because of the tidal distortion caused by their […]

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Percent-level constraints on baryonic feedback with spectral distortion measurements

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Leander Thiele, Digvijay Wadekar, J. Colin Hill, Nicholas Battaglia, Jens Chluba | Summary: High-significance measurements of the monopole thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich CMB spectral distortions have the potential to tightly constrain poorly understood baryonic feedback processes. The sky-averaged Compton-y distortion and its relativistic correction are measures of the total […]

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