The stellar mass versus stellar metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies at $1.6le zle3.0$ and implications for the evolution of the $α$-enhancement

Kavli Affiliate: John D. Silverman

| First 5 Authors: Daichi Kashino, Simon J. Lilly, Alvio Renzini, Emanuele Daddi, Giovanni Zamorani

| Summary:

We measure the relationship between stellar mass and stellar metallicity, the
stellar mass–metallicity relation (MZR), for 1336 star-forming galaxies at
$1.6le zle3.0$ (<z>=2.2) using rest-frame far-ultraviolet spectra from the
zCOSMOS-deep survey. High signal-to-noise composite spectra containing stellar
absorption features are fit with population synthesis model spectra of a range
of metallicity. We find stellar metallicities, which mostly reflect iron
abundances, scaling as
across the mass range of $10^9lesssim M_ast/M_odotlesssim10^{11}$, being
$approx6times$ lower than seen locally at the same masses. The instantaneous
oxygen-to-iron ratio ($alpha$-enhancement) inferred using the gas-phase oxygen
MZRs, is on average found to be [O/Fe]$approx0.47$, being higher than the
local [O/Fe]$approx0$. The observed changes in [O/Fe] and [Fe/H] are
reproduced in simple flow-through gas-regulator models with steady
star-formation histories (SFHs) that follow the evolving main sequence. Our
models show that the [O/Fe] is determined almost entirely by the instantaneous
specific star formation rate alone while being independent of the SFHs, mass,
and the gas-regulation characteristics of the systems. We find that the
locations of $sim10^{10}M_odot$ galaxies at z~2 in the [O/Fe]–metallicity
planes are in remarkable agreement with the sequence of low-metallicity
thick-disk stars in our Galaxy. This manifests a beautiful concordance between
the results of Galactic archaeology and observations of high-redshift Milky Way
progenitors. However, there remains a question of how and when the old
metal-rich, low-$alpha$/Fe stars seen in the bulge had formed by z~2 because
such a stellar population is not seen in our data and difficult to explain in
the context of our models.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”John D. Silverman”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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