Optimal detuning for quantum filter cavities

Kavli Affiliate: Lisa Barsotti

| First 5 Authors: Chris Whittle, Kentaro Komori, Dhruva Ganapathy, Lee McCuller, Lisa Barsotti

| Summary:

Vacuum quantum fluctuations impose a fundamental limit on the sensitivity of
gravitational-wave interferometers, which rank among the most sensitive
precision measurement devices ever built. The injection of conventional
squeezed vacuum reduces quantum noise in one quadrature at the expense of
increasing noise in the other. While this approach improved the sensitivity of
the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo interferometers during their third
observing run (O3), future improvements in arm power and squeezing levels will
bring radiation pressure noise to the forefront. Installation of a filter
cavity for frequency-dependent squeezing provides broadband reduction of
quantum noise through the mitigation of this radiation pressure noise, and it
is the baseline approach planned for all of the future gravitational-wave
detectors currently conceived. The design and operation of a filter cavity
requires careful consideration of interferometer optomechanics as well as
squeezing degradation processes. In this paper, we perform an in-depth analysis
to determine the optimal operating point of a filter cavity. We use our model
alongside numerical tools to study the implications for filter cavities to be
installed in the upcoming "A+" upgrade of the Advanced LIGO detectors.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Lisa Barsotti”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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