Kavli Affiliate: Lina Necib
| First 5 Authors: Abdelaziz Hussein, Lina Necib, Manoj Kaplinghat, Stacy Y. Kim, Andrew Wetzel
| Summary:
We build a theoretical range for the Milky Way’s (MW) inner dark matter (DM)
distribution informed by the FIRE-2, Auriga, VINTERGATAN-GM, and TNG50
simulation suites assuming the canonical cold dark matter (CDM) model. The DM
density profiles in Auriga, VINTERGATAN-GM, and TNG50 can be approximately
modeled using the adiabatic contraction prescription of Gnedin et al. 2004,
while FIRE-2 has stronger baryonic feedback, leading to a departure from the
adiabatic contraction model. The simulated halos that are adiabatically
contracted are close to spherical (axis ratio $q in [0.75-0.9]$ at $5^circ$),
whereas halos that experience strong baryonic feedback are oblate ($q in
[0.5-0.7]$). Using the adiabatic contraction and strong baryonic feedback
models, along with the observed stellar distribution of the MW, the inner
logarithmic density slope for CDM in the MW is predicted to range from $ -0.5$
to $-1.3$. The $J$-factor, which determines the DM-annihilation flux, averaged
over a solid angle of $5^circ$ ($10^circ$) is predicted to span the range
$0.8$-$30$ ($0.6$-$10$) $times 10^{23} rm{GeV}^2/rm{cm}^5$. The $D$-factor,
which determines the flux due to DM decay, is predicted to be in the range
$0.6$-$2$ ($0.5-1$) $times10^{23} rm{GeV}/rm{cm}^2$.
GitHub: The results for this work can be found at
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