TRIPP: A General Purpose Data Pipeline for Astronomical Image Processing

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald

| First 5 Authors: Alex Thomas, Natalie LeBaron, Luca Angeleri, Samuel Whitebook, Rachel Darlinger

| Summary:

We present the TRansient Image Processing Pipeline (TRIPP), a transient and
variable source detection pipeline that employs both difference imaging and
light curve analysis techniques for astronomical data. Additionally, we
demonstrate TRIPP’s rapid analysis capability by detecting transient candidates
in near-real time. TRIPP was tested using image data of the supernova SN2023ixf
and from the Local Galactic Transient Survey (LGTS, Thomas et al. (2025))
collected by the Las Cumbres Observatory’s (LCO) network of 0.4 m telescopes.
To verify the methods employed by TRIPP, we compare our results to published
findings on the photometry of SN2023ixf. Additionally, we report the ability of
TRIPP to detect transient signals from optical Search for Extra Terrestrial
Intelligence (SETI) sources.

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