Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong
| First 5 Authors: Hao-Zhu Fu, Subo Dong, , ,
| Summary:
When a planet is ejected from its star-planet system due to dynamical
interactions, its satellite may remain gravitationally bound to the planet. The
Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) will be capable of detecting a large
number of low-mass free-floating planet events (FFPs) from a bulge microlensing
survey. We assess the feasibility of detecting satellites (a.k.a., exomoons)
orbiting FFPs by simulating CSST light curves and calculating the detection
efficiency as a function of satellite-to-planet mass ratios (q) and projected
separations (s) in units of the Einstein radius. For a Neptune-class FFP in the
Galactic disk with a Sun-like star as the microlensed source, CSST can detect
Earth-mass satellites over a decade of separations (from ~0.01 to ~0.1 AU) and
has sensitivity down to Moon-mass satellites (q~1e-3) at s~1. CSST also has
some sensitivity to detect Moon-mass satellites at s~2 (~0.02 AU) orbiting an
Earth-mass FFP in the disk. CSST has substantially reduced sensitivity for
detecting satellites when the source star is an M dwarf, compared to a Sun-like
source. We also calculate the satellite detection efficiency for the dedicated
microlensing survey of the Roman Space Telescope (Roman), which demonstrates
greater sensitivity than CSST, particularly for M-dwarf sources. Notably, some
of the Neptune-Earth systems detectable by CSST and Roman may exhibit
significant tidal heating.
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