Tidal evolution of cored and cuspy dark matter halos

Xiaolong Du, Andrew Benson, Zhichao Carton Zeng, Tommaso Treu, Annika H. G. Peter

| Summary:

[[{“value”:”The internal structure and abundance of dark matter halos and subhalos are
powerful probes of the nature of dark matter. In order to compare observations
with dark matter models, accurate theoretical predictions of these quantities
are needed. We present a fast and accurate method to describe the tidal
evolution of subhalos within their parent halo, based on a semi-analytic
approach. We first consider idealized N-body simulations of subhalos within
their host halo, using a generalized mass density profile that describes their
properties in a variety of dark matter models at infall, including popular
warm, cold, and self-interacting ones. Using these simulations we construct
tidal "tracks" for the evolution of subhalos based on their conditions at
infall. Second, we use the results of these simulations to build semi-analytic
models for tidal effects, including stripping and heating and implement them
within the code GALACTICUS. Our semi-analytic models can accurately predict the
tidal evolution of both cored and cuspy subhalos, including the bound mass and
density profiles, providing a powerful and efficient tool for studying the
post-infall properties of subhalos in different dark matter models.”}]] 

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