Generating Interpretable Networks using Hypernetworks

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark

| First 5 Authors: Isaac Liao, Ziming Liu, Max Tegmark, ,

| Summary:

An essential goal in mechanistic interpretability to decode a network, i.e.,
to convert a neural network’s raw weights to an interpretable algorithm. Given
the difficulty of the decoding problem, progress has been made to understand
the easier encoding problem, i.e., to convert an interpretable algorithm into
network weights. Previous works focus on encoding existing algorithms into
networks, which are interpretable by definition. However, focusing on encoding
limits the possibility of discovering new algorithms that humans have never
stumbled upon, but that are nevertheless interpretable. In this work, we
explore the possibility of using hypernetworks to generate interpretable
networks whose underlying algorithms are not yet known. The hypernetwork is
carefully designed such that it can control network complexity, leading to a
diverse family of interpretable algorithms ranked by their complexity. All of
them are interpretable in hindsight, although some of them are less intuitive
to humans, hence providing new insights regarding how to "think" like a neural
network. For the task of computing L1 norms, hypernetworks find three
algorithms: (a) the double-sided algorithm, (b) the convexity algorithm, (c)
the pudding algorithm, although only the first algorithm was expected by the
authors before experiments. We automatically classify these algorithms and
analyze how these algorithmic phases develop during training, as well as how
they are affected by complexity control. Furthermore, we show that a trained
hypernetwork can correctly construct models for input dimensions not seen in
training, demonstrating systematic generalization.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Max Tegmark”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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