Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders
| First 5 Authors: Catherine Cerny, Guillaume Mahler, Keren Sharon, Mathilde Jauzac, Gourav Khullar
| Summary:
We leverage JWST’s superb resolution to derive strong lensing mass maps of 14
clusters, spanning a redshift range of $zsim0.25 – 1.06$ and a mass range of
$M_{500}sim2-12 times 10^{14}M_odot$, from the Strong LensIng and Cluster
Evolution (SLICE) JWST program. These clusters represent a small subsample of
the first clusters observed in the SLICE program that are chosen based on the
detection of new multiple image constraints in the SLICE-JWST NIRCam/F150W2 and
F322W2 imaging. These constraints include new lensed dusty galaxies and new
substructures in previously identified lensed background galaxies. Four
clusters have never been modeled before. For the remaining 10 clusters, we
present updated models based on JWST and HST imaging and, where available,
ground-based spectroscopy. We model the global mass profile for each cluster
and report the mass enclosed within 200 and 500 kpc. We report the number of
new systems identified in the JWST imaging, which in one cluster is as high as
19 new systems. The addition of new lensing systems and constraints from
substructure clumps in lensed galaxies improves the ability of strong lensing
models to accurately reproduce the interior mass distribution of each cluster.
We also report the discovery of a candidate transient in a lensed image of the
galaxy cluster SPT-CL J0516-5755. All lens models and their associated products
are available for download at the Strong Lensing Cluster Atlas Data Base, which
is hosted at Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille.
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