Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho
| First 5 Authors: Wen-Juan Liu, Luis C. Ho, Xiao-Bo Dong, Su Yao, Paulina Lira
| Summary:
We present a catalog of 927 low-mass active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with black
hole mass of $M_{BH}leqslant2times10^{6} M_{odot}$ characterized by broad
H$alpha$ or H$beta$ emission lines,uniformly selected from the Seventeenth
Data Release (DR17) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra. Taking
advantages of the wide wavelength coverage of BOSS/eBOSS spectra of the SDSS,
this sample significantly extends the redshift range to $zleqslant0.57$, a
marked improvement over the previous studies which were generally limited to
$zleqslant0.35$. This sample encompasses black hole masses from $10^{3.7}$ to
$10^{6.3} M_{odot}$, with Eddington ratios ranging from 0.01 to 3.3.
Preliminary analysis of this sample reveals a marked decline in maximum
accretion rates (namely $L/L_{Edd}$) and broad-H$alpha$ luminosities with
decreasing redshift, analogous to the passive “downsizing” evolutionary trend
observed in high-mass AGNs. This systematic catalog of low-redshift low-mass
AGNs, the largest so far, will benefit the studies on accretion physics,
AGN–galaxy connection and the origin of supermassive black holes.
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