Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Frieman
| First 5 Authors: Robert Besuner, Arjun Dey, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Haruki Ebina, Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
| Summary:
The existence, properties, and dynamics of the dark sectors of our universe
pose fundamental challenges to our current model of physics, and large-scale
astronomical surveys may be our only hope to unravel these long-standing
mysteries. In this white paper, we describe the science motivation,
instrumentation, and survey plan for the next-generation spectroscopic
observatory, the Stage-5 Spectroscopic Experiment (Spec-S5). Spec-S5 is a new
all-sky spectroscopic instrument optimized to efficiently carry out
cosmological surveys of unprecedented scale and precision. The baseline plan
for Spec-S5 involves upgrading two existing 4-m telescopes to new 6-m
wide-field facilities, each with a highly multiplexed spectroscopic instrument
capable of simultaneously measuring the spectra of 13,000 astronomical targets.
Spec-S5, which builds and improves on the hardware used for previous cosmology
experiments, represents a cost-effective and rapid approach to realizing a more
than 10$times$ gain in spectroscopic capability compared to the current
state-of-the-art represented by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
project (DESI). Spec-S5 will provide a critical scientific capability in the
post-Rubin and post-DESI era for advancing cosmology, fundamental physics, and
astrophysics in the 2030s.
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