Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho
| First 5 Authors: Wei Wang, Jiashi Chen, Pengfu Tian, Luis C. Ho, Xiaohui Sun
| Summary:
Relativistic jets from accreting black holes (BHs) radiate non-thermal
emission which is highly variable in different time scales. Magnetic fields
anchored to a rotating BH or accretion disc accelerate and collimate jets of
the BH systems. Previous studies on black holes of different mass scales,
including supermassive and stellar-mass black holes, only report flux
quasi-periodic oscillations in radio, optical, X-ray and gamma-ray bands. No
quasi-periodic variations in polarization have yet been detected in any black
hole systems. Here, we report the first detection of GHz radio polarization
oscillations in GRS 1915+105, which harbors a spinning stellar-mass BH with a
relativistic jet. Our observations show that during the increasing phase of
radio emission, linear polarization and flux exhibit similar oscillation
periods of $sim 17$ and $33$ seconds, and their variation patterns
anti-correlate with each other. These rare, short-period oscillations in both
polarization and flux would be important to understand instabilities and
special dynamics in magnetized jets.
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