Discovery of 15 new pulsars at high Galactic Latitudes with FAST

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu

| First 5 Authors: Xin Xu, Shi Dai, Qijun Zhi, Juntao Bai, Joanna Berteaud

| Summary:

We present the discovery and timing results of 15 pulsars discovered in a
high Galactic latitude survey conducted with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture
Spherical Telescope (FAST). The survey targeted a region as close as possible
to the Galactic Center, encompassing an area near the Galactic Bulge. The newly
discovered pulsars consist of eleven normal pulsars and four millisecond
pulsars (MSPs). Among the MSPs, three are identified in binary systems with
orbital periods of ~3.1, 4.6 and 12.5 days, respectively. We have successfully
obtained coherent timing solutions for three of the normal pulsars (PSRs
J1745-0059, J1746-0156 and J1800-0059). Furthermore, within our data set we
found that four pulsars (three new and one known) show mode-changing and/or
subpulse drifting phenomena. Comparing our discoveries with simulations of the
Galactic disk and Bulge MSP populations indicates that these new pulsars are
most likely located in the disk. Nonetheless, our discoveries demonstrate that
deep surveys at high Galactic latitudes have significant potential to enhance
our understanding of the MSP population in the direction of the Bulge.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Renxin Xu”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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