Kavli Affiliate: Yingjie Peng
| First 5 Authors: Ali Ahmad Khostovan, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Mara Salvato, Olivier Ilbert, Caitlin M. Casey
| Summary:
We present the COSMOS Spectroscopic Redshift Compilation encompassing ~ 20
years of spectroscopic redshifts within the 2 deg$^2$ COSMOS legacy field. This
compilation contains 165,312 redshifts of 97,929 unique objects from 108
individual observing programs up to $z sim 8$ with median stellar mass $sim
10^{9}$ to $10^{10}$ M$_odot$ (redshift dependent). Rest-frame $NUVrJ$ colors
and SFR — stellar mass correlations show the compilation primarily contains
low- to intermediate-mass star-forming and massive, quiescent galaxies at $z <
1.25$ and mostly low-mass bursty star-forming galaxies at $z > 2$. Sources in
the compilation cover a diverse range of environments, including protoclusters
such as “Hyperion”. The full compilation is 50% spectroscopically complete
by $i sim 23.2$ and $K_s sim 21.3$ mag; however, this is redshift dependent.
Spatially, the compilation is $>50$% complete within the CANDELS area, while
the outer regions of COSMOS are $>10$% complete limited to $i < 24$ mag and
$K_S < 22.5$ mag, separately. We demonstrate how the compilation can be used to
validate photometric redshifts and investigate calibration metrics. By training
self-organizing maps on COSMOS2020/Classic and projecting the compilation onto
it, we find key galaxy subpopulations that currently lack spectroscopic
coverage including $z < 1$ intermediate-mass quiescent galaxies and
low-/intermediate-mass bursty star-forming galaxies, $z sim 2$ massive
quiescent galaxies, and $z > 3$ massive star-forming galaxies. This approach
highlights how combining self-organizing maps with our compilation can provide
guidance for future spectroscopic observations to get a complete spectroscopic
view of galaxy populations. Lastly, the compilation will undergo periodic data
releases that incorporate new spectroscopic redshift measurements, providing a
lasting legacy resource for the community.
| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Yingjie Peng”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3