Fundamental Physics and Cosmology with TianQin

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao

| First 5 Authors: Jun Luo, Haipeng An, Ligong Bian, Rong-Gen Cai, Zhoujian Cao

| Summary:

The exploration of the surrounding world and the universe is an important
theme in the legacy of humankind. The detection of gravitational waves is
adding a new dimension to this grand effort. What are the fundamental physical
laws governing the dynamics of the universe? What is the fundamental
composition of the universe? How has the universe evolved in the past and how
will it evolve in the future? These are the basic questions that press for
answers. The space-based gravitational wave detector TianQin will tune in to
gravitational waves in the millihertz frequency range ($10^{-4} sim 1$ Hz, to
be specific), opening a new gravitational wave spectrum window to explore many
of the previously hidden sectors of the universe. TianQin will discover many
astrophysical systems, populating the universe at different redshifts: some
will be of new types that have never been detected before, some will have very
high signal-to-noise ratios, and some will have very high parameter estimation
precision. The plethora of information collected will bring us to new fronts on
which to search for the breaking points of general relativity, the possible
violation of established physical laws, the signature of possible new
gravitational physics and new fundamental fields, and to improve our knowledge
on the expansion history of the universe. In this white paper, we highlight the
advances that TianQin can bring to fundamental physics and cosmology.

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