The SUPERCOLD-CGM survey: II. [ion{C}{1}]$(1-0)$ emission and the physical conditions of cold gas in Enormous Ly$α$ nebulae at $z,sim,2$

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang

| First 5 Authors: Jianan Li, Bjorn H. C. Emonts, Zheng Cai, Jianrui Li, Ran Wang

| Summary:

We report ALMA and ACA observations of atomic carbon ([ion{C}{1}]$(1-0)$)
and dust continuum in 10 Enormous Ly$alpha$ Nebulae hosting ultra-luminous
Type-I QSOs at $z=2.2-2.5$, as part of the SUrvey of Protocluster ELANe
Revealing CO/CI in the Ly$alpha$ Detected CGM (SUPERCOLD-CGM). We detect
[ion{C}{1}]$(1-0)$ and dust in all ten QSOs and five companion galaxies. We
find that the QSOs and companions have higher gas densities and more intense
radiation fields than Luminous Infrared galaxies and high-$z$ main sequence
galaxies, with the highest values found in the QSOs. By comparing molecular gas
masses derived from [ion{C}{1}]$(1-0)$, CO(4$-$3) and dust continuum, we find
that the QSOs and companions display a similar low CO conversion factor of
$alpha_{rm CO}$,$sim$,0.8 $rm M_{sun}$${[rm K,km/s,pc^2]}^{-1}$.
After tapering our data to low resolution, the [ion{C}{1}]$(1-0)$ flux
increases for nine QSOs, hinting at the possibility of [ion{C}{1}]$(1-0)$ in
the circum-galactic medium (CGM) on a scale of 16$-$40 kpc. However, the
[ion{C}{1}]$(1-0)$ sensitivity is too low to confirm this for individual
targets, except for a tentative (2.7$sigma$) CGM detection in Q0050+0051{}
with M$_{rm H_2}$,=, ($1.0 – 2.8$)$times 10^{10}$ $rm M_{sun}$. The
3$sigma$ mass limits of molecular CGM for the remaining QSO fields are
($0.2-1.4$),$times$,10$^{10}$ $rm M_{sun}$. This translates into a baryon
fraction of $<$0.4-3$% $ in the molecular CGM relative to the total baryonic
halo mass. Our sample also includes a radio-detected AGN, Q1416+2649{}, which
shows [ion{C}{1}]$(1-0)$ and CO(4$-$3) luminosities an order of magnitude
fainter for its far-infrared luminosity than other QSOs in our sample, possibly
due to a lower molecular gas mass.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Ran Wang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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